Greenrock’s COVID-19 Relief Fund Exceeds $2 Million

The season of giving is upon us, and with no clear end in sight for the pandemic, Greenrock extends further support for its residents and community members through donations and gifts.
Greenrock IMPACT announced in June 2020 the recipients of its $1.5 Million COVID-19 Relief Fund, which included $900,000 of donations to charities across Canada and $600,000 of grocery gift certificates between April and June 2020 to assist with residents’ household expenses.
Greenrock recently added a further $600,000 of resident support, bringing the fund’s total to $2.25 Million. All units in Greenrock’s 2000-suite portfolio will receive additional $100 grocery gift certificates in each of October, November, and December 2020.
“These unusual times have affected so many of us and we want to help those who have made their home in our buildings,” says Greenrock’s Chief Operating Officer Justin Taylor.
Many residents have reached out thanking Greenrock for its generosity, noting that with rising food prices and unsteady incomes, the extra grocery money is a big help. Some even passed part of their gift forward as an act of kindness and donated the money to local food banks.
Aside from the COVID-19 Relief Fund, Greenrock’s charitable support will carry on this holiday season through the 2020 Greenrock IMPACT Resident Donation. The five charities on this year’s ballot with the most votes by residents will each receive $20,000. The winners will be announced during a virtual ceremony in the coming weeks. Visit Greenrock IMPACT’s web page for more information about the annual resident donation program.